Expert recruitment/placement strategies for: Information Systems/Information Technology, Manufacturing and Engineering, Sales and Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting and Finance, “C” Level Staffing
Focused advertising through: Company website, Print Advertising, Internet Research, Internal and external networking, Industry associations, Cold-call recruiting to reach the most desirable candidates,Industry-specific knowledge and networking capability,Resume screening for hard skills, soft skills and cultural fit, Recruitment and education of specifically identified candidates,Recruitment from targeted companies/competitors, Detailed reference check
Resume verification, including: Educational background check, Salary history, Criminal background check, Credit check, Confidentiality for non-advertised positions/replacements, Off-site interview coordination / facilities, Technical interview with on-staff CTO with company HR representative, Ad hoc technical consulting expertise and coordination with HR managers,Salary Surveys
Market Research, Trending, News Updates, Market survey information, HR adjunct staff capability, ncluding:
Vendor recommendations, Printed references and resources, Choice of employment models, including:
Direct Hire, Contract, Contract to Hire, Corp-to-Corp, Public Relations representative to “sell” the company
Variety of Service Options: Retained, Contained, Contingency, Solutions, Off-Shore capabilities
Savings of time and effort in conducting the job search
Team of cross-disciplinary recruiters working as a team
Thorough job descriptions including:
Company history and industry status
Current company initiatives
Job tasks and responsibilities
- Reporting structure
- Company and department culture
- Potential for career growth
Broad base of client companies across various industries
Direct HR and line manager contacts within those companies
Exposure to unpublished job opportunities
Education: Interview coaching, including interview preparation
Training tapes
Industry trending and product information
Salary guidelines
Sounding board for career goals and objectives
Reference check feedback
Career path planning
Pro-active marketing of candidate skills to targeted employers
Job/candidate matching with in-house job orders
Established client company relationships
Hard skill/soft skill/cultural alignments with prospective employers
Salary and benefit negotiation
Salary survey information
Alternate employment models:
- Direct Hire
- Contract
- Contract to Hire
- Corp-to-Corp
Off-shore projects
Relocation assistance
Industry-specific/discipline-specific references and resources |